Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pale River

9298H - Pale River, cone 8, fired for three days, cooled for 48 hours

This platter has always held a special place in my heart. It is quieter than many of the rest that were made at the same time. The level of crystallization is phenominal. Almost like ice!

As a studio closing special, Nancy and I decided that we would post a special rate on all the platters we're showing on the blog. This one, Pale River, normally was listed at $800 in the studio... but for this week we'll not only drop the price massively, but we'll cover the costs of shipping anywhere in the US as well. So, $500 will enable this Pale River to grace your wall.


Quietly Otaku said...

wow this is an amazing piece! I agree it looks like golden ice. I cant imagine the anticipation of three days of waiting to unpack this from the kiln.

Alex Solla said...

Howdy Victoria-
The anticipation is always the worst part of the clay-making process. Whether it be waiting for the clay to harden up so you can work at leatherhard, or waiting for the bisque to be cool enough to unload so you can glaze. Definitely not a sport for someone with OCD or ADHD. The only thing that MADE me wait till the kiln was cold with these platters, was knowing that if I hurried the cooling at all, I would be given a kiln full of shards instead of platters. A few trips on that merry-go-round and I was more than willing to wait a few days.