Here we are, not quite two days away from hitting the road on our way to Boston. Everything is packed up into boxes and ready to load into the van. We've never had this many pots on hand EVER. Probably 2x more pots than we have ever had... even for our holiday sales. Just TONS of pots.
Tonight we spent the bulk of the evening playing around with the layout of the new booth display. Trying all sorts of angles, rearranging this and that over and over... always in search of the perfect layout. The best part was laying the new Wondermat flooring. Foam squares that interlink. Very comfortable. I dont think I could ever do a show on carpet again! Best part: they are grey, so even dirty, they look just fine. Talk about low-maintenance.
Here are a few of the pots we're taking with us this coming week. I decided that from now on, we need to pull a few pots from each firing to save for exhibitions. From this last firing, I am pulling aside the sunset teabowl in the image from the last blog entry.