Sunday, July 21, 2013

How To Know You Have Arrived

One of the surest ways I have ever found to know for certain, "when you have arrived" is when your pots wind up in the local Salvation Army or antique store. When I lived in Logan, UT, I was shocked to find student pots in the local Deseret Industries (LDS version of Salv.Army). After a while, it made sense. Lots of student turn-over, lots of brown crunchy pots laying around for the next tenants to deal with: Off to the thrift store they go!

Yesterday Nancy and I were hitting the rounds of antique stores in Bloomfield, NY. There used to be quite an array of antique stores all along Routes 5+20 through central NY. Bloomfield was our favorite destination for years!

Yesterday we found one of my oval vases in one of the antique stores. It was a really nice oval vase, undulating rim, sweet little handles/ears, and glazed in Cranberry. Selling for $9.50. Talk about "having arrived!" I was right there next to the Fire King dishes and the other random collectibles that someone thought would be worth something someday. $9.50.

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