No, we're not open all night, nor have we added neon to our sign. Just playing around with light painting. I Set the Nikon to BULB and left the lens open via the shutter release cable, then I drew on the sign with an LED flashlight. Exposure was about 1-2min. Not terribly long.
I had a photographer come up to us during our last show... we've met at many of the various Rochester shows over the past 5 or 6 years. We got to talking about the frustration of doing product photography. Everything being shot for shows, galleries, etc, all looks the same. Same backdrop, same shadow, same old.... his suggestion was to consider light painting as a way of getting a seamless backdrop with the additional opportunity to put light EXACTLY where you want it. Seems like a pretty wild idea. I would never have considered shooting pottery in the dead of night, outside,...with a flashlight. But it is certainly worth playing with. Who knows what will come of this? Anyone out there played with this idea already? Your results?
That does seem like a wild way to shoot pottery....maybe you should try it for fun!
I have "tagged" you at my blog, a blogger game that has been circulating, I was tagged twice and finally have played along..it's a good way for people to find your blog I guess. Read more about the rules here: http://joytannerpottery.blogspot.com/2008/09/im-it.html
I am shooting some images tomorrow for a woodworker friend. If his larger works are too big, we may just end up shooting them at night. We shall see!!!
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