Friday, March 27, 2009

What does it mean, when your past involves sheep

Yep, I took care of sheep as part of my workstudy job while at Hampshire College. Anyone who has ever cared to ask me knows that I think sheep are just about the dumbest critters on earth. Now sheepdogs are the best. We had a border collie on the farm who couldn't be beat. Went by the name of Flea. Mind you, she could single handedly round up a small herd and bring them to just about anywhere we might want.... if she was so inclined.

This video exemplifies that AWESOME power of a well trained border collie and their shepherds. Mind blowing really!


Judy Shreve said...

That's so cool. I live with a border collie & they are truly amazing dogs!

Linda Starr said...

Wow, Judy sent me here, I just showed my husband too, he said, "those guys have too much time on their hands", but he also said it made his day. What beautiful choreography between man and his dog, or dog and his man as the case may be. Thanks so much.

Carolyne Swift said...

I remember the sheep at Hampshire...I was there in 1984...helped one of them give birth doing my best imitation of that Vet from England who wrote those wonderful books for children. His name eludes me at the moment.

Alex Solla said...

I think anyone who helped out with Lambing in the winter deserves a special seat on the airline of their choosing. I met the most interesting people thanks to that job! I was at Hampshire in 89-93. Probably means you had a different set of folks running the farm then right?

Today my wife asked me if I wanted to have sheep of our own sometime. The thought had never crossed my mind before. I guess I dont mind helping take care of someone else's animals, but I am not sure I'm up for the 24/7 lambing-all-night kind of lifestyle anymore.

Carolyne Swift said...

I don't remember the names of the people at the farm -- I should have said I helped my friend who was doing the workstudy help one of them give birth. It was a memorable event nonetheless !