After the past few weeks being unseasonably warm, even HOT... these past two days have been downright chilly. Nice to be back to what the weather SHOULD be for April. It finally rained and then it all cooled off.
Today was one of those days where my morning was supposed to be filled with glazing. But when I got outside, felt the sharp snap in the air, I just couldnt do it. The very idea of being in the studio, no view of the outside, no windows open, just didnt sit well. So I decided to spend my morning shooting flowers and stuff around the yard. Just playing with the camera. Trying to get more familiar with it. I think today I had some minor breakthroughs. Your thoughts?

I dont know if anyone else feels as strongly and as personally as I do about their cherry trees, but this cherry tree (1 of 3) means the world to me. We have nursed it along for 4 years now. Transplanted it from a wet area in the yard to this sunny drier area. Last year it finally produced fruit only to have them all eaten by the birds. This year we have a PLAN. Right now I am just enjoying the show of the whole tree being covered in blossoms.
Aurora and I found a black cherry tree last summer at Lowes. As much as I hate buying things like trees from big box stores, the price was within her allowance. She has had her heart set on growing our own BLACK cherries. I tried explaining that they arent really grown here for a reason. Needless to say, that sort of reasoning just didnt make one bit of difference in her opinion. So we planted this black cherry and so far it is really doing well. It was damaged by serious deer nibbling... but I think this summer if it can put on enough new growth, we will probably see flowering and fruit next summer. That's the hope at least.