We haven't had much cause to drive the Mass Pike in the past couple years. No vacations to Maine, no road trips to the Berkshires....not much really. Most of our time has been spent with our heads to the grindstone in the studio. Our drive home from Boston on Monday was definitely a wake up call. Winter isn't over. FOR SURE. We had been having signs of Spring earlier in the week. As soon as we reached the higher elevations on the Pike we started getting slush instead of rain. Within a few miles we came upon our first crash, accompanied by a pile of flashing blue lights. Few yards further on, MORE blue lights and another car payment tossed in the round file. Within about 2-3 miles we came across some DOT workers putting up one of those flashing signs indicating we should all slow down and get ready to stop for an accident. Hmm, I figured they meant the accidents we JUST passed. Nope. 5 miles down the road, everything was at a standstill. It would remain that way for nearly 2 hours. Every 20 min or so, some state vehicle, DOT, or Mass police vehicle would come racing up the breakdown lane to the site of the accident.
We checked the radio (AM & FM) trying to find info about how big the accident was and how long it would be delaying things. Nothing. For over an hour. Finally we heard that the Pike was closed Westbound. Closed. Hmmm. We were stuck. So we made do the best we could. Cracked out Nancy's camera and started playing with ideas and images. Mostly we tried not to dwell on how roundly we'd been whooped at Craft Boston. It was time to start looking ahead to our next shows. So, here are some images from the time spent on the MassPike.
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